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charles grey


Definitions from WordNet

Noun charles grey has 1 sense
  1. Grey, Charles Grey, Second Earl Grey - Englishman who as Prime minister implemented social reforms including the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire (1764-1845)
    --1 is a kind of statesman, solon, national leader

Definitions from the Web

Charles Grey


Sense 1: (Person) A politician and statesman who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1830 to 1834.

Example Sentence: Charles Grey played a crucial role in the passage of the Great Reform Act of 1832.


Sense 2: (Tea) A type of black tea flavored with oil of bergamot, named after the aforementioned Charles Grey.

Example Sentence: I enjoy starting my day with a cup of Charles Grey tea.


Sense 3: (Title) The formal title given to the Earl Grey.

Example Sentence: Her Majesty granted the title of Charles Grey to the newly appointed Earl.


Sense 4: (Architecture) A style of residential architecture prevalent during the reign of King Charles Grey.

Example Sentence: The neighborhood is known for its historic Charles Grey houses.


Sense 5: (Nickname) A nickname for someone named Charles with the last name Grey or a variation of it.

Example Sentence: Charlie Grey has always been fond of his Charles Grey moniker.

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