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Definitions from WordNet

Noun chamberpot has 1 sense
  1. chamberpot, potty, thunder mug - a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom
    --1 is a kind of receptacle

Definitions from the Web



A chamberpot is a bowl-shaped receptacle used as a toilet, particularly in the past when indoor plumbing was not available. It is typically made of ceramic, metal, or plastic and has a handle for easy carrying.

Example sentences:
  1. I found an antique chamberpot at the flea market.
  2. In medieval times, chamberpots were commonly used in bedrooms.
  3. She accidentally knocked over the chamberpot and created a big mess.


The term chamberpot can also be used as an adjective to describe anything related to or resembling a chamberpot.

Example sentences:
  1. He decorated his bathroom with chamberpot-themed artwork.
  2. The quirky coffee mug she bought had a chamberpot shape.
  3. They had a chamberpot-inspired vase on display.

If you are interested in chamberpots, you may want to check out some related products on Amazon.

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