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Definitions from WordNet

Noun chambermaid has 1 sense
  1. chambermaid, fille de chambre - a maid who is employed to clean and care for bedrooms (now primarily in hotels)
    --1 is a kind of maid, maidservant, housemaid, amah

Definitions from the Web


Noun: A person, typically a woman, employed to clean and maintain rooms in a hotel.

Example sentence: The chambermaid tidied up the hotel room and replenished the toiletries.

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Noun: A female servant who cleans and maintains rooms in a private house.

Example sentence: The chambermaid efficiently dusted the furniture and made the beds in the mansion.

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Adjective: Pertaining to or characteristic of a chambermaid.

Example sentence: The chambermaid uniform consisted of a black skirt and a white collared shirt.

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