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Noun chamaeleon has 2 senses
  1. Chamaeleon, Chameleon - a faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Apus and Mensa
    --1 is a kind of constellation
  2. chameleon, chamaeleon - lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue
    --2 is a kind of lizard
    --2 is a member of
     Chamaeleontidae, family Chamaeleontidae, Chamaeleonidae, family Chamaeleonidae, Rhiptoglossa, family Rhiptoglossa
    --2 has particulars:
     African chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon; horned chameleon, Chamaeleo oweni
chamaecyparis thyoides chamaecytisus chamaecytisus palmensis chamaedaphne chamaedaphne calyculata chamaeleo chamaeleo chamaeleon chamaeleo oweni chamaeleon chamaeleonidae chamaeleontidae chamaemelum chamaemelum nobilis chaman chamar chamba-chamba chamber

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