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chamaeleo oweni


Definitions from WordNet

Noun chamaeleo oweni has 1 sense
  1. horned chameleon, Chamaeleo oweni - a kind of chameleon
    --1 is a kind of chameleon, chamaeleon
    --1 is a member of Chamaeleo, genus Chamaeleo, genus Chamaeleon

Definitions from the Web

Chamaeleo oweni


Chamaeleo oweni, commonly known as Owen's chameleon, is a species of chameleon found primarily in the rainforests of eastern Madagascar. It is known for its unique ability to change color, elongated snout, and distinctive casque on top of its head. With a length of about 25 centimeters, it is considered a medium-sized chameleon.

Sample Sentences:


  1. I spotted a beautiful Chamaeleo oweni while hiking in the Madagascan rainforest.
  2. The vibrant colors of the Chamaeleo oweni mesmerized the onlookers at the zoo.
  3. Researchers are studying the behavior and habitat of Chamaeleo oweni in order to conserve its population.


  1. Madagascar is home to various species of chameleons, including the fascinating Chamaeleo oweni.
  2. The Chamaeleo oweni's unique adaptations enable it to thrive in its rainforest habitat.
  3. Tourists are often captivated by the intricate patterns on the skin of the Chamaeleo oweni.


  1. Chamaeleo oweni can swiftly change its skin color to blend into its surroundings.
  2. When threatened, the Chamaeleo oweni will inflate its casque to intimidate predators.
  3. Chamaeleo oweni uses its long tongue to capture unsuspecting insects for its meal.

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