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Definitions from WordNet

Noun chairperson has 1 sense
  1. president, chairman, chairwoman, chair, chairperson - the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; "address your remarks to the chairperson"
    --1 is a kind of presiding officer
    --1 has particulars: Kalon Tripa; vice chairman

Definitions from the Web



A chairperson is the person who presides over a meeting, committee, or organization, responsible for ensuring order, facilitating discussions, and making decisions.


1. Noun: The head or leader of a group, such as a board of directors, committee, or organization.

2. Noun: A gender-neutral term used instead of chairman or chairwoman to refer to the person in charge.

3. Verb: To act as the chairperson of a meeting or event.


1. Popular Usage:

During the conference, the chairperson addressed the attendees and introduced the guest speaker.

2. Popular Usage:

As the chairperson of the fundraising committee, Sara successfully organized several charity events.

3. Local Usage:

In some countries, the term chairperson has become more widely used to promote gender inclusivity in leadership positions.

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