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chain stores


Definitions from WordNet

Noun chain store has 1 sense
  1. chain store - one of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise
    --1 is a kind of
    shop, store
    --1 is a member of chain

Definitions from the Web

Chain Stores


A chain store refers to a retail business that operates multiple locations, typically under the same brand name, and follows a standardized business model.

Usage (Noun)

1. Chain stores have become increasingly popular due to their ability to offer a wide range of products at competitive prices.

Example Sentence: The new chain store in town offers a variety of clothing options for all ages.

2. Chain stores often have larger purchasing power, allowing them to negotiate better deals with suppliers.

Example Sentence: Many chain stores offer exclusive discounts to their loyal customers.

Usage (Adjective)

1. The chain store concept has revolutionized the retail industry.

Example Sentence: She prefers shopping at a chain store because of the convenience and reliable service.

2. Locals prefer supporting independent businesses over chain store operations.

Example Sentence: The community rallied together to save the local bookstore from being replaced by a chain store.

Related Products

To explore products available at chain stores, you can check out the following links on Amazon:

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