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A term used to refer to a cavalier, specifically a chivalrous gentleman or knight.


Sense 1:


1. A knight or gentleman who upholds chivalry and possesses exceptional skills in horsemanship and swordsmanship.

2. A gallant or courtly man, often associated with romance and flamboyant behavior.

Example sentences:

  1. The esteemed lord was known throughout the kingdom as a courageous cavaler, upholding the highest ideals of chivalry.
  2. In the novel, the protagonist falls in love with a dashing cavaler who rescues her from a perilous situation.
Search for books about cavaler knights on Amazon

Sense 2:


1. Of or relating to cavaliers or chivalry.

2. Characteristic of a lavish, courtly lifestyle.

Example sentences:

  1. The grand ballroom was adorned with extravagant chandeliers, enhancing the cavaler atmosphere of the event.
  2. She wore a stunning, cavaler-inspired gown for the masquerade, reminiscent of the opulent fashion during the Renaissance.
Search for cavaler costumes on Amazon

Sense 3:


1. To act with gallantry or courtly manners.

Example sentences:

  1. The young knight cavalered towards the distressed maiden, offering his help and protection.
  2. He cavalered his way through the crowd, gracefully bowing to every lady he encountered.
Search for romance novels featuring cavaler characters on Amazon
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