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Part of Speech: verb

Sense: to make a shrill howling or wailing noise; to screech or yowl

Usage: When describing the sound a cat makes, often associated with distress or mating calls.

Example Sentence: The stray cat would often caterwail outside my window at night, disrupting my sleep.

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Part of Speech: noun

Sense: a shrill and unpleasant wailing or crying sound

Usage: Describing a high-pitched noise made by a person or an animal.

Example Sentence: The caterwail of the baby filled the entire house, leaving his parents exhausted.

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Part of Speech: verb

Sense: to complain or protest loudly and vehemently

Usage: Referring to loud and passionate expressions of dissatisfaction or opposition.

Example Sentence: The crowd began to caterwail as the decision was announced, demanding justice.

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