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cartridge belt


Definitions from WordNet

Noun cartridge belt has 1 sense
  1. cartridge belt - a broad belt with loops or pockets for holding ammunition
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: bandoleer, bandolier

Definitions from the Web

Cartridge Belt


A cartridge belt is a type of ammunition belt that holds and organizes cartridges for guns, typically used by military personnel or hunters.


  • Noun (Firearms): A belt-like device worn around the waist or shoulder, designed to carry and provide easy access to cartridges for reloading firearms.
  • Noun (Fashion): A type of belt often made of leather, designed to hold cartridges for aesthetic purposes, usually worn as a part of a historical, military-inspired costume.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The soldier secured the cartridge belt around his waist before heading to the shooting range.
  2. During the reenactment event, the participants proudly displayed their replica cartridge belts as a part of their historical attire.
  3. The hunter's cartridge belt held a variety of ammunition for different firearms.
  4. She purchased a cartridge belt online to complement her military-style Halloween costume.

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