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car rental


Definitions from WordNet

Noun car rental has 1 sense
  1. car rental, hire car, rent-a-car, self-drive, u-drive, you-drive - a rented car; "she picked up a hire car at the airport and drove to her hotel"
    --1 is a kind of lease, rental, letting

Definitions from the Web

Car Rental

Definition: Car rental refers to the service of renting vehicles, typically for a short period, provided by rental agencies or companies.


  1. Noun: The act of renting a car from a car rental agency or company.
  2. Noun: The place or establishment where cars are rented out for temporary use.


  1. Noun: I need to book a car rental for my upcoming vacation.
  2. Noun: The car rental at the airport offers a wide selection of vehicles.

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