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car port


Definitions from WordNet

Noun car port has 1 sense
  1. carport, car port - garage for one or two cars consisting of a flat roof supported on poles
    --1 is a kind of garage

Definitions from the Web

Car Port


A car port, also known as a carport, is a covered structure that provides limited protection for vehicles from the elements. It typically consists of a roof supported by sturdy posts or pillars, without any walls.


1. Noun: Covered Parking Structure

In its most common sense, a car port refers to a covered parking structure that offers protection to vehicles from rain, snow, and sunlight while providing easy access.

Example Sentence: A car port is a convenient and cost-effective alternative to building a garage.

2. Verb: To Shelter or Park under a Carport

The term "car port" can also be used as a verb, meaning to shelter or park a vehicle under a carport.

Example Sentence: The storm caught us by surprise, so we quickly car ported our car to avoid any potential damage.

3. Adjective: Relating to a Car Port

The adjective form of "car port" describes something that is specifically related to or associated with a car port.

Example Sentence: Our house comes with a spacious, car ported driveway that can accommodate multiple vehicles.

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