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Definitions from WordNet

Noun capelin has 1 sense
  1. capelin, capelan, caplin - very small northern fish; forage for sea birds and marine mammals and other fishes
    --1 is a kind of smelt
    --1 is a member of Mallotus, genus Mallotus

Definitions from the Web



1. A small fish of the smelt family found in the northern Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Example sentence: The capelin is a key part of the marine food chain in the Arctic.

Amazon search for capelin fishing lures


1. Referring to or characteristic of capelin fish.

Example sentence: The capelin migration attracts various bird species to the coastal areas.

Amazon search for capelin prints

Plural noun

1. A type of small fish in general.

Example sentence: The capelins swam in synchronized movements.

Amazon search for capelin cat toys


1. To fish for capelin.

Example sentence: They set out early in the morning to capelin along the coast.

Amazon search for fishing nets

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