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capek robot play


Definitions from the Web

Capek Robot Play


Capek Robot Play refers to a form of dramatic performance or theatrical presentation that revolves around the theme of robots and artificial intelligence. Named after the renowned Czech playwright Karel Capek, who popularized the concept of robots in his play "R.U.R.", Capek Robot Play explores the ethical, philosophical, and social implications of advanced technology and the potential threats or benefits it might bring to humanity.

Sample Sentences:


1. I attended a mesmerizing Capek Robot Play last night, which left me pondering the future of robotics and its impact on society.

2. The local theater group is putting on a Capek Robot Play next month, and tickets are already selling like hotcakes.

3. Capek Robot Play often stimulates thought-provoking discussions about the boundaries between humans and machines.


1. The popular Capek Robot Play performance captivated the audience with its stunning visual effects and compelling storyline.

2. As an avid fan of science fiction, I couldn't resist the allure of a Capek Robot Play adaptation at the local theater.

3. The innovative set design in the Capek Robot Play added an immersive element to the futuristic narrative.


1. The theater company decided to capek robot play "R.U.R." as their next production, hoping to engage the audience in meaningful conversations.

2. The talented actors brought the complex characters of the Capek Robot Play to life with their outstanding performances.

3. The playwright aimed to capek robot play the ethical questions surrounding AI, urging the viewers to confront the potential consequences of technological advancements.

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DVDs of Capek Robot Play

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