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Definitions from WordNet

Verb burnish has 1 sense
  1. buff, burnish, furbish, flush - polish and make shiny; "buff the wooden floors"; "buff my shoes"
    --1 is one way to polish, smooth, smoothen, shine
    Derived form: noun burnish1
    Sample sentence:
    They burnish the glass tubes

Definitions from the Web

Term: Burnishing Description: Burnishing refers to the process of polishing or smoothing a material, typically metal or wood, by applying sustained pressure or friction with a hard instrument or tool. It is commonly used to enhance the appearance of surfaces, create a glossy finish, or remove imperfections.


  1. Verb (Transitive): Use a burnishing tool to polish the metal surface until it shines.
  2. Example sentence: The artisan burnished the silverware to achieve a brilliant shine.

  3. Noun: The act or technique of applying pressure or friction to smooth or shine a material.
  4. Example sentence: The burnishing of the wooden floors made them incredibly smooth and lustrous.

  5. Adjective: Describing a glossy or polished appearance achieved through burnishing.
  6. Example sentence: The burnished gold trim on the antique mirror added a touch of elegance to the room.

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