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bunch together


Definitions from WordNet

Verb bunch together has 1 sense
  1. bunch together, bunch, bunch up - form into a bunch; "The frightened children bunched together in the corner of the classroom"
    --1 is one way to cluster, constellate, flock, clump
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s PP

Definitions from the Web

bunch together


Definition: To gather or gather closely

Synonyms: cluster, group, collect

Antonyms: disperse, scatter

Example Sentence: The kids decided to bunch together to create a human pyramid at the park.


Definition: A gathering or group formed by bunching together

Example Sentence: The bunch together at the party made it hard to move around the room.


Definition: Referring to something that is clustered or gathered

Example Sentence: The bunch-together flowers gave a vibrant and colorful look to the garden.

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