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Verb bump has 5 senses
  1. bump, knock - knock against with force or violence; "My car bumped into the tree"
    --1 is one way to hit, strike, impinge on, run into, collide with
    Derived forms: noun bump3, noun bumper2
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Somebody ----s PP
  2. find, happen, chance, bump, encounter - come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  3. bump - dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward; "bump and grind"
    --3 is one way to
    dance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe
    Sample sentence:
    They bump
  4. demote, bump, relegate, break, kick downstairs - assign to a lower position; reduce in rank; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sargeant"
    --4 is one way to delegate, designate, depute, assign
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Somebody ----s something PP
  5. dislodge, displace, bump - remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied; "The new employee dislodged her by moving into her office space"
    --5 is one way to expel, eject, chuck out, exclude, throw out, kick out, turf out, boot out, turn out
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s something PP
bumper car bumper guard bumper jack bumper to bumper bumpers bumph bumpheads bumpiness bumping bumping test bumping up bumpkin bumpkinly bumps bumpset bumptious bumptiously

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