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buena vista


Definitions from WordNet

Noun buena vista has 1 sense
  1. Buena Vista - in 1847 United States forces under Zachary Taylor defeated Mexican forces under Santa Anna in the Mexican War
    --1 is a kind of
    pitched battle
    --1 is a part of Mexican War

Definitions from the Web

Buena Vista


  1. A place name referring to multiple locations worldwide.

Sample Sentence:

The town of Buena Vista offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.


  1. Referring to something good, pleasant, or favorable.

Sample Sentence:

Yesterday's outing was a buena vista experience, with perfect weather and amazing scenery.

Proper Noun

  1. A neighborhood or district in various cities or towns.
  2. A popular brand name for various products.
  3. Various films, songs, and albums titled "Buena Vista."

Sample Sentence:

I'm heading to the Buena Vista district to meet some friends for dinner.

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