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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective brainy has 1 sense
  1. brainy, brilliant, smart as a whip - having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence; "some men dislike brainy women"; "a brilliant mind"; "a brilliant solution to the problem"
    Antonyms: unintelligent, stupid (indirect, via intelligent)

Definitions from the Web

Term: Brainier


Brainier is an adjective that describes someone who has a higher level of intelligence or greater mental capacity than average. It can also refer to something that requires or involves more intelligence.

Sense 1:

Describing a person with higher intelligence:

Sample sentence: John's brother is brainier than him and always excels in academic subjects.

Related products: Books on enhancing intelligence, Puzzles for brain teasers

Sense 2:

Describing something that requires more intelligence:

Sample sentence: The advanced mathematics course is brainier than the introductory one and challenges students with complex problems.

Related products: Advanced mathematics books, Logic puzzles

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