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big bend


Definitions from WordNet

Noun big bend has 1 sense
  1. Big Bend - a triangular area in southwestern Texas on the Mexican border; formed by a bend in the Rio Grande
    --1 is a kind of
    geographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic region
    --1 is a part of Texas, Lone-Star State, TX

Definitions from the Web

Big Bend

Noun - Place

Big Bend refers to a famous national park located in southwestern Texas, United States. It is renowned for its fascinating geological formations, diverse plant and animal life, and scenic landscapes. Spanning over 800,000 acres along the Rio Grande, Big Bend National Park offers visitors numerous recreational activities such as hiking, camping, and bird-watching.

Sample sentence: I'm planning a trip to Big Bend next month to explore its stunning desert landscapes.

Noun - River

The Big Bend is a term used to describe a prominent U-shaped bend in the course of the Rio Grande river as it flows through Texas along the border with Mexico. This specific bend is known for its unique geological features and is a popular spot for river rafting and canoeing.

Sample sentence: We had an exhilarating experience white-water rafting through the Big Bend of the Rio Grande.

Noun - Hardware

In computer hardware, the term Big Bend commonly refers to a type of connector used to link multiple devices together. It is characterized by its large size and ability to handle a high volume of data transfer.

Sample sentence: The new server rack comes equipped with Big Bend connectors for efficient data transmission.

Verb - Action

To big bend is a phrasal verb indicating the action of bending something, typically with a considerable force or effort.

Sample sentence: He managed to big bend the steel pipe back into shape using a heavy-duty bending machine.

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Big Bend National Park Guide Book
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Computer Connectors
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