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bid price


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bid price has 1 sense
  1. bid price - (stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security
    --1 is a kind of
    price, terms, damage

Definitions from the Web

Bid Price

Definition: The bid price refers to the highest amount of money a buyer is willing to pay for a product or service in an auction or financial market.


As a noun:

  1. The bid price for the antique vase started at $100.
  2. The bid price on the stock market increased by five points.
  3. The seller accepted the highest bid price for the house.

As a verb:

  1. In an online auction, you can bid on the item and set your own bid price.
  2. Investors are eagerly bidding on the stocks, driving the bid prices up.

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