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betsy griscom ross


Definitions from WordNet

Noun betsy griscom ross has 1 sense
  1. Ross, Betsy Ross, Betsy Griscom Ross - American seamstress said to have made the first American flag at the request of George Washington (1752-1836)
    --1 is a kind of dressmaker, modiste, needlewoman, seamstress, sempstress

Definitions from the Web

Betsy Griscom Ross


Betsy Griscom Ross refers to a prominent figure in American history who is widely believed to have sewn the first American flag, also known as the Stars and Stripes.

Sample Sentence:

Betsy Griscom Ross is credited with creating the iconic American flag that symbolizes the United States.


The phrase "Betsy Griscom Ross" can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to or associated with Betsy Ross.

Sample Sentence:

The Betsy Griscom Ross House in Philadelphia is a must-visit site for history enthusiasts.

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