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bell cote


Definitions from WordNet

Noun bell cote has 1 sense
  1. bell cote, bell cot - a small shelter for bells; has a gable or shed roof
    --1 is a kind of shelter

Definitions from the Web

Bell Cote


A bell cote, also known as a bell turret, is a small, decorative structure typically found atop a building, designed to house and display a bell. It is often built with open sides to allow the sound of the bell to resonate freely. Bell cotes are commonly seen on churches, chapels, and historical buildings, adding a charming architectural element to the structure.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (Architecture):

  1. The medieval church featured a magnificent bell cote on its rooftop.
  2. The local chapel's bell cote emitted a melodic chime throughout the village.
  3. We admired the intricate craftsmanship of the bell cote as we approached the historical building.

Noun (Decoration):

  1. She proudly displayed a miniature bell cote on her mantelpiece.
  2. The antique shop had an exquisite collection of brass bell cotes for sale.
  3. The garden's bell cote, adorned with flowers, added an enchanting touch to the backyard.

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