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Noun beguiler has 2 senses
  1. deceiver, cheat, cheater, trickster, beguiler, slicker - someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
    --1 is a kind of wrongdoer, offender
    --1 has particulars:
     bluffer, four-flusher; swindler, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter, sharper, sharpie, sharpy; decoy, steerer; dodger, fox, slyboots; double-crosser, double-dealer, two-timer, betrayer, traitor; falsifier; finagler, wangler; forger, counterfeiter; fortune hunter; front man, front, figurehead, nominal head, straw man, strawman; hypocrite, dissembler, phony, phoney, pretender; impersonator, imitator; imposter, impostor, pretender, fake, faker, fraud, sham, shammer, pseudo, pseud, role player; liar, prevaricator; misleader; mountebank, charlatan; obscurantist; sandbagger; two-timer; utterer
    Derived form: verb beguile1
  2. charmer, beguiler - a person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness)
    --2 is a kind of person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul
    Derived form: verb beguile2
begrudgingly begrugded begs begs the question begudgingly beguile beguiled beguilement beguiler beguiling beguilrd beguine beguinner begum begun behading behaind

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