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Verb bedevil has 2 senses
  1. torment, rag, bedevil, crucify, dun, frustrate - treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"
    --1 is one way to harass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke
    Derived form: noun bedevilment1
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody
  2. confuse, throw, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate - be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher"
    --2 is one way to be
    Sample sentence:
    The performance is likely to bedevil Sue
bede bedecarre bedeck bedecked bedecked predicate bedeman bedesman bedetailed bedevil bedeviled bedevilment bedew bedewed bedews bedfast bedfellow bedfellows

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