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Definitions from WordNet

Noun bearskin has 2 senses
  1. bearskin - the pelt of a bear (sometimes used as a rug)
    --1 is a kind of
    fur, pelt
  2. bearskin, busby, shako - tall hat; worn by some British soldiers on ceremonial occasions
    --2 is a kind of hat, chapeau, lid

Definitions from the Web



Bearskin is a term that refers to the skin or fur of a bear. It can also be used to describe a tall, black fur hat traditionally worn by certain military regiments as part of their ceremonial or full-dress uniform.

Senses and Usages:

1. Animal Skin:

When used in the context of an animal skin, bearskin refers to the thick, coarse fur of a bear. It can be used to make various products such as rugs, blankets, or clothing items.

Example sentence: I saw a beautiful bearskin rug at the hunting lodge.

2. Military Hat:

Bearskin can also refer to a specific type of tall, black fur hat that is typically worn by specific military units, such as the British Guards regiments, as part of their ceremonial or full-dress uniform.

Example sentence: The soldier proudly wore a bearskin hat during the changing of the guard ceremony.

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