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Term: Batrani


In Romanian, "Batrani" refers to the term "elderly" in English. It is used to describe individuals who are advanced in age, typically above 65 years old.

Part of Speech:

Noun: The term can be used as a noun to refer to elderly people collectively.

Adjective: It can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to or characteristic of the elderly.

Sense 1 - Noun:

1. The Batrani in the community actively participate in various events and programs.

2. The nursing home provides excellent care for the Batrani.

Sense 2 - Adjective:

1. She dedicated her life to helping the Batrani in need.

2. The facility is equipped with Batrani-friendly features and amenities.

Popular Usage:

The term "Batrani" is commonly used in Romanian culture to refer to the elderly.

Local Usage:

In Romania, the word "Batrani" is frequently utilized to show respect and honor towards older individuals within the community.

Related Products:

Amazon Search: Elderly Care

Amazon Search: Senior Living

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