Definitions from WordNet
Noun barometer has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebBarometerDescription:A barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. It is primarily utilized to forecast weather changes. Parts of Speech:
Senses:Sense 1:A device that measures atmospheric pressure for meteorological purposes. Sense 2:A tool used metaphorically to gauge and predict change or shifts in a particular situation or trend. Usages:Popular Usage:In today's technology-driven world, people rely on barometers installed in various weather applications to receive up-to-date forecasts. Local Usage:In coastal areas, a barometer is crucial for fishermen as they can assess upcoming weather patterns and determine the best time to go out to sea. Sample Sentences:1. The barometer is indicating a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure, suggesting a storm is approaching. 2. The company's revenue figures serve as a barometer for their overall performance in the market. Related Products: | ||||
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