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ball nightshade


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ball nightshade has 1 sense
  1. horse nettle, ball nettle, bull nettle, ball nightshade, Solanum carolinense - coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit; common throughout southern and eastern United States
    --1 is a kind of nightshade

Definitions from the Web

Ball Nightshade


Ball nightshade is a flowering plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. It is characterized by its small, round fruit and can be found in various regions around the world. While it has some medicinal uses, it is important to note that certain species of ball nightshade may be toxic if ingested.


As a Noun:

1. The ball nightshade is commonly used in traditional medicine to alleviate certain skin conditions.

2. Make sure you avoid consuming any fruits of the ball nightshade plant, as they may be poisonous.

3. The leaves of the ball nightshade are often used as a natural pesticide.

As an Adjective:

1. Herbal remedies made from ball nightshade plants are quite popular among certain communities.

2. The local farmers were concerned about the spread of ball nightshade in their crops.

3. The ball nightshade extract can be used for its potential anti-inflammatory properties.

Sample Sentences

1. The ball nightshade flowers are small, bell-shaped, and usually purple in color.

2. Be cautious when exploring the wilderness, as some regions are home to poisonous varieties of ball nightshade.

3. Due to its toxic nature, ball nightshade should only be used under expert guidance for medicinal purposes.

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