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Definitions from WordNet

Noun balistidae has 1 sense
  1. Balistidae, family Balistidae - triggerfishes
    --1 is a kind of fish family
    --1 is a member of Plectognathi, order Plectognathi, order Tetraodontiformes
    --1 has members: triggerfish; Balistes, genus Balistes; filefish

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Balistidae refers to a family of small to medium-sized tropical marine fish commonly known as triggerfish. They are characterized by their compressed bodies, small mouths, and prominent spines on their fins.


1. Noun (Plural: Balistidae)

- In zoology, a family of fish comprising around 40 species of triggerfish.

Example: The Balistidae or triggerfish family includes species like the Picasso triggerfish and the clown triggerfish.

2. Adjective

- Relating to or characteristic of the Balistidae family of fish.

Example: The Balistidae species have distinctive color patterns and unique behaviors.


- Biologists often study the behavior and habitats of Balistidae to better understand their ecological role in coral reef ecosystems.

- Some species of Balistidae are popular aquarium fish due to their striking colors and interesting personalities.

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