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Definitions from WordNet

Noun babysitting has 1 sense
  1. babysitting, baby sitting - the work of a baby sitter; caring for children when their parents are not home
    --1 is a kind of care, attention, aid, tending

Definitions from the Web

Babysitting - Noun and Verb

Definition: The activity of taking care of someone else's child or children, typically on a temporary basis, while the parents are away.

Sense 1 (Noun): The job or task of looking after children, usually for a few hours, in the absence of their parents.

Example Sentence 1: I earn some extra money by doing babysitting for my neighbors.

Example Sentence 2: She has years of experience in babysitting infants and toddlers.

Sense 2 (Noun): The act of temporarily supervising or watching over children in a child-care facility like a daycare center.

Example Sentence 1: The babysitting service at the hotel ensured that parents could enjoy their evening without worrying about their kids.

Example Sentence 2: The local community center offers affordable babysitting options for working parents.

Sense 3 (Verb): To take care of and look after someone else's child or children, usually for a short period of time.

Example Sentence 1: Can you babysit my kids this Saturday evening? I have an important event to attend.

Example Sentence 2: She enjoys babysitting and likes to engage children in fun activities.

Sense 4 (Verb): To temporarily supervise or watch over children in a child-care facility.

Example Sentence 1: The daycare center employs certified professionals who are trained to babysit and nurture children.

Example Sentence 2: The school organized a charity event where students volunteered to babysit the children of the participating parents.

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