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atomic number 20

Noun atomic number 20 has 1 sense
  1. calcium, Ca, atomic number 20 - a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light; the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust; an important component of most plants and animals
    --1 is a kind of metallic element, metal
    --1 is a substance of
     calcium oxide, quicklime, lime, calx, calcined lime, fluxing lime, unslaked lime, burnt lime; limestone; gypsum; fluorite, fluorspar, fluor
    --1 has particulars: calcium ion, factor IV
atomic number 12 atomic number 13 atomic number 14 atomic number 15 atomic number 16 atomic number 17 atomic number 18 atomic number 19 atomic number 21 atomic number 22 atomic number 23 atomic number 24 atomic number 25 atomic number 26 atomic number 27 atomic number 28 atomic number 29

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