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atomic number 29

Noun atomic number 29 has 1 sense
  1. copper, Cu, atomic number 29 - a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic element; occurs in various minerals but is the only metal that occurs abundantly in large masses; used as an electrical and thermal conductor
    --1 is a kind of metallic element, metal; conductor
    --1 is a substance of
     brass; bronze; bornite, peacock ore; chalcocite, copper glance; chalcopyrite, copper pyrites; cuprite; malachite
    --1 has particulars: blister copper
atomic number 21 atomic number 22 atomic number 23 atomic number 24 atomic number 25 atomic number 26 atomic number 27 atomic number 28 atomic number 29 atomic number 30 atomic number 31 atomic number 32 atomic number 33 atomic number 34 atomic number 35 atomic number 36 atomic number 37

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