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army hut


Definitions from WordNet

Noun army hut has 1 sense
  1. hut, army hut, field hut - temporary military shelter
    --1 is a kind of shelter
    --1 has particulars: Nissen hut, Quonset hut

Definitions from the Web

Army Hut


An army hut refers to a small, temporary, and often prefabricated shelter used by members of the military. These huts are designed to be easily movable and can serve a variety of purposes, such as providing living quarters, temporary storage, or command posts.


Sense 1:

Noun: A type of military structure used as a temporary shelter or living quarters.

Example: The soldiers set up army huts at the base camp to provide shelter during their training exercises.

Related Products:Browse army huts on Amazon

Sense 2:

Noun: A small, movable structure used by the military for storage or as a command post.

Example: The army hut served as a command post during the operation, allowing the officers to coordinate their actions effectively.

Related Products:Browse field command posts on Amazon

Sense 3:

Noun: A makeshift shelter or hut constructed by soldiers in the field.

Example: The troops built army huts using whatever materials they could find to protect themselves from the harsh weather.


The term "army hut" is commonly used in military contexts to describe the various types of temporary structures used by the armed forces.

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