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Adjective arctic has 3 senses
  1. north-polar, Arctic - at or near the north pole
    Antonym: equatorial (indirect, via polar)
  2. arctic - of or relating to the Arctic; "Arctic circle"
  3. arctic, frigid, gelid, glacial, icy, polar - extremely cold; "an arctic climate"; "a frigid day"; "gelid waters of the North Atlantic"; "glacial winds"; "icy hands"; "polar weather"
    Antonym: hot (indirect, via cold)
Noun arctic has 2 senses
  1. Arctic, Arctic Zone, North Frigid Zone - the regions north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole
    --1 is a kind of Frigid Zone, polar zone
  2. arctic, galosh, golosh, rubber, gumshoe - a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow
    --2 is a kind of overshoe
arcmate arcminute arco arcode arcsecond arcswan arcswat arcsway arctic arctic archipelago arctic char arctic circl arctic circle arctic explorers arctic fox arctic ground squirrel arctic hare

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