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Definitions from WordNet

Noun archdiocese has 1 sense
  1. archdiocese - the diocese of an archbishop
    --1 is a kind of
    diocese, bishopric

Definitions from the Web


Definition: An archdiocese is a geographical area or district that falls under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of an archbishop, who is the highest-ranking bishop in a particular region.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun – Ecclesiastical District:

Example Sentence: The Archdiocese of New York is led by Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

2. Noun – Administrative Division:

Example Sentence: The archdiocese is divided into several parishes, each headed by a local priest.

3. Noun – Catholic Hierarchy:

Example Sentence: Cardinals are appointed by the Pope and play a significant role in the archdiocese.

4. Noun – Historical Context:

Example Sentence: The construction of the cathedral in the archdiocese took several decades to complete.

5. Noun – Geographical Area:

Example Sentence: The archdiocese covers a vast territory, spanning multiple counties.

Related Products:

For a selection of books about archdioceses, visit Amazon.

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