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Definitions from WordNet

Noun archbishop has 1 sense
  1. archbishop - a bishop of highest rank
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars:
     metropolitan; Anselm, Saint Anselm, St. Anselm; Becket, Thomas a Becket, Saint Thomas a Becket, St. Thomas a Becket

Definitions from the Web



An archbishop is a high-ranking bishop within the Christian Church who holds a position of authority over a specific region or diocese. They are responsible for overseeing the clergy and the religious activities within their jurisdiction.

Sense 1 (Noun):

In the ecclesiastical hierarchy, an archbishop is the highest-ranking bishop below the Pope.

Example Sentence: The archbishop led the ceremony at the grand cathedral.

Sense 2 (Noun):

A title given to certain bishops in certain churches.

Example Sentence: The Anglican archbishop addressed the congregation during the Sunday service.

Sense 3 (Adjective - Popular):

(Popular) Describing something widely known or favored by many people.

Example Sentence: The film became an archbishop hit, attracting audiences from all over the world.

Sense 4 (Adjective - Local):

(Local) Referring to matters or specific areas within a particular region.

Example Sentence: The archbishop diocese conducted a special program for the local community.

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