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Definitions from WordNet

Noun appetizer has 1 sense
  1. appetizer, appetiser, starter - food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)
    --1 is a kind of course
    --1 has particulars:
     antipasto; apertif; canape; cocktail; hors d'oeuvre; crudites

Definitions from the Web


Noun: A small dish or snack served before a meal.

Example sentence: The restaurant offers a variety of delicious appetizers, including bruschetta and chicken wings.

Adjective: Describing a food or drink that stimulates the appetite.

Example sentence: The appetizer salad was dressed with a tangy vinaigrette.

Verb: To stimulate the appetite.

Example sentence: The aromas of the freshly baked bread appetized everyone in the kitchen.

Popular: Appetizers are a common choice for starters in restaurants and are enjoyed by people of all ages and tastes.

Local: The local cuisine is known for its unique appetizers, such as deep-fried cheese curds and stuffed mushrooms.

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