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apparent horizon


Definitions from WordNet

Noun apparent horizon has 1 sense
  1. horizon, apparent horizon, visible horizon, sensible horizon, skyline - the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meet
    --1 is a kind of line
    --1 is a part of perspective, linear perspective

Definitions from the Web

Apparent Horizon

Description: The apparent horizon refers to the boundary or line that separates the Earth's surface from the sky, especially when viewed from a specific location. It signifies the point where the sky and the ground or sea seem to meet.

Part of Speech:

  • Noun: The apparent horizon can refer to the optical, visible boundary created by the Earth's curvature.

Senses and Usages:

  1. When standing on a flat stretch of land, the apparent horizon is the circle where the sky and ground meet.
  2. At sea, the apparent horizon represents the visual boundary where the sea and sky seem to converge.
  3. The apparent horizon can also refer to an individual's limited perception or understanding.


Noun (Sense 1):

  1. From the top of the hill, we could see the beautiful sunset painting the sky just above the apparent horizon.
  2. The ship disappeared behind the apparent horizon, leaving nothing but a faint trace.
  3. As we wandered through the desert, the apparent horizon seemed to stretch infinitely in front of us.

Noun (Sense 2):

  1. We observed dolphins gracefully swimming near the apparent horizon.
  2. His gaze was fixed towards the apparent horizon, searching for any sign of land.
  3. The yacht sailed smoothly, carrying us beyond the apparent horizon.

Noun (Sense 3):

  1. His narrow-minded view of the world limited his perspective to the apparent horizon.
  2. If you never step out of your comfort zone, your opportunities will be confined to the apparent horizon.
  3. She expanded her knowledge by exploring topics beyond the apparent horizon.

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