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apparel chain


Definitions from WordNet

Noun apparel chain has 1 sense
  1. apparel chain - a chain of clothing stores
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Apparel Chain

Definition: An apparel chain refers to a retail company that operates multiple stores selling clothing and accessories.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A physical chain of stores that specializes in selling clothing items and related accessories.

Example: I love shopping at the apparel chain store near my house for trendy clothes.

Search for apparel chain stores on Amazon

Sense 2:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Referring to the state of being part of a clothing retail chain.

Example: She worked her way up from being a cashier to a managerial position in the apparel chain industry.

Search for apparel chain industry products on Amazon

Note: For more definitions and examples, please refer to an actual dictionary.

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