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antonyms for distorting


Definitions from the Web

Antonyms for Distorting


  1. Accuracy - The antonym for distorting as a noun refers to the quality or state of being accurate.
  2. Authenticity - The antonym for distorting as a noun refers to the quality of being genuine or real.


  1. Rectify - The antonym for distorting as a verb means to make something right or correct.
  2. Illuminate - The antonym for distorting as a verb means to clarify or provide insight into something.
  3. Restore - The antonym for distorting as a verb means to bring back or reinstate something to its original state.


  1. Precise - The antonym for distorting as an adjective means exact or accurate in every detail.
  2. Authentic - The antonym for distorting as an adjective means genuine or real.
  3. Clear - The antonym for distorting as an adjective means easy to understand or perceive.

Sample Sentences:

  1. He was dedicated to accuracy in his work and avoided distorting any information.
  2. The writer ensured the authenticity of the facts and refrained from distorting the truth.
  3. In order to rectify the distorted image, she adjusted the settings on the computer screen.
  4. The documentary aimed to illuminate the truth behind the events without distorting any facts.
  5. The art restorer successfully restored the painting, removing all signs of distortion.
  6. His precise measurements ensured that there was no room for distorting the final product.
  7. She bought an authentic piece of artwork, appreciating its value over any distorted replicas.
  8. The clear instructions provided step-by-step guidance without any distorting or confusing language.

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