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antonyms for distort


Definitions from the Web

Antonyms for Distort:


No antonyms found for the noun form of distort.


- Enhance: He enhanced the image to bring out its true colors.
- Reveal: The new documentary reveals the truth behind the distorted facts.
- Validate: The expert's report validated the original findings and disproved the distorted claims.
- Illuminate: Her explanation helped to illuminate the subject and dispel any distorted views.
- Restore: The artist worked to restore the painting to its original form, undoing the distortions.


- Pure: The pure sound from the orchestra was a refreshing contrast to the distorted music he had heard earlier.
- Accurate: The accurate representation provided clarity and contrasted with the distorted version.
- Unaltered: The unaltered photograph showed the scene without any signs of distortion.
- Genuine: His genuine emotions stood in stark contrast to the distorted expressions of the other actors.
- Undistorted: The undistorted mirror provided a clear reflection unlike the distorted one in the funhouse.


No antonyms found for the adverb form of distort.

Sample Sentences:

- The conspiracy theories aim to distort the truth and mislead the public.
- Her words were twisted to distort her message and misrepresent her intentions.
- The funhouse mirrors distorted his reflection, making him appear shorter and wider.
- The artist purposely used abstract shapes to distort reality and evoke an emotional response.

Related Products:

Enhancing Images
Pure Sound
Accurate Representations
Unaltered Photographs
Genuine Emotions

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