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Definitions from WordNet

Noun airfare has 1 sense
  1. airfare - the fare charged for traveling by airplane
    --1 is a kind of
    fare, transportation

Definitions from the Web



Airfare refers to the cost or price associated with traveling by air, particularly for a passenger on a commercial airline. It encompasses the charges for a seat on a flight, including base fare, taxes, and any additional fees such as baggage charges.


Sense: Cost of a flight ticket

Noun: The airfare from New York to London has significantly increased during the peak travel season.

Sample Sentence: The airfare for a round-trip ticket to Paris was unexpectedly low, so I immediately booked it.

Sense: Price comparison for flights

Noun: Many online travel agencies allow you to compare airfares to find the best deal for your desired destination.

Sample Sentence: John found a great deal on airfare by comparing prices on multiple travel websites.

Sense: Local usage

Noun: The small local airport offers affordable airfares to nearby cities.

Sample Sentence: The local airline is known for its discounted airfares for regional travel.

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