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air lane


Definitions from WordNet

Noun air lane has 1 sense
  1. air lane, flight path, airway, skyway - a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another
    --1 is a kind of path, route, itinerary
    --1 has particulars:
     approach path, approach, glide path, glide slope; holding pattern

Definitions from the Web

Air Lane


An air lane refers to a designated route or path in the sky that is used by aircraft for travel and transportation. It is typically defined and regulated by air traffic control to ensure the safe movement of aircraft.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Noun

Senses and Usages:


  1. A specific route or corridor in the sky for the movement of aircraft.
  2. A designated passage in the airspace where aircraft can safely operate.

Sample Sentences:

1. Commercial airlines adhere to defined air lanes to prevent collisions and maintain smooth air traffic flow.

2. The air traffic controller redirected the aircraft to an alternate air lane due to heavy congestion.

3. The pilot requested clearance to enter the air lane reserved for international flights.

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