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Definitions from WordNet

Verb adore has 1 sense
  1. adore - love intensely; "he just adored his wife"
    --1 is one way to
    Derived form: noun adorer1
    Sample sentences:
    Sam cannot adore Sue
    Sam and Sue adore the movie

Definitions from the Web

Term: adore Part of Speech: verb, noun Sense 1 (verb): to feel a deep love or admiration for someone or something Example sentence: She adores her baby sister and showers her with love and affection. Sense 2 (verb): to worship or venerate someone or something with great devotion Example sentence: The villagers adored the ancient temple and visited it regularly to pay their respects. Sense 3 (verb): to like or enjoy something greatly Example sentence: He adores playing the guitar and spends hours practicing every day. Sense 4 (noun): a deep love and admiration for someone or something Example sentence: Their relationship was built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual adore.

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