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Term: Zypher

Part of Speech: Noun


1. (Popular) A cool breeze or gentle wind, often associated with comfort and a refreshing atmosphere.

Example Sentences:

1. Feeling the gentle zypher on her face, she closed her eyes and let the worries of the day melt away.

2. The sound of leaves rustling in the zypher brought a sense of tranquility to the park.

Part of Speech: Noun


1. (Local) A type of local beer famous in a specific region, known for its unique flavor and brewing techniques.

Example Sentences:

1. If you visit our city, don't forget to try the renowned zypher beer, it's a local specialty that you cannot miss!

2. The microbrewery is known for its exceptional zypher, attracting beer enthusiasts from all over.

Part of Speech: Verb


1. (Popular) To move or flow gently and effortlessly, usually referring to air or a breeze.

Example Sentences:

1. The curtains fluttered as the air zyphered through the open window.

2. The balloons zyphered up and away into the clear blue sky.

Part of Speech: Adjective


1. (Local) Pertaining to or characteristic of a specific community or area, often referring to cultural aspects, traditions, or dialects.

Example Sentences:

1. The dance performance showcased the local zypher traditions, mesmerizing the audience with their unique grace.

2. The book delves into the zypher language, providing insights into the vibrant local dialect.


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