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zoysia japonica


Definitions from WordNet

Noun zoysia japonica has 1 sense
  1. Korean lawn grass, Japanese lawn grass, Zoysia japonica - lawn grass common in China and Japan; grown also in United States
    --1 is a kind of zoysia

Definitions from the Web

Zoysia Japonica


Zoysia japonica is a species of grass commonly known as Japanese lawngrass. It is native to East Asia and is widely cultivated for its resilience and aesthetic appeal. This warm-season turfgrass is characterized by its dense growth pattern, tolerance to heat and cold, and low water and maintenance requirements.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun (Botany):

Zoysia japonica refers to a type of grass belonging to the Zoysia genus, known for its adaptability to different climates and its use in lawns, parks, and golf courses.

Related Products: Zoysia japonica grass seeds

Sample Sentence:

The green carpet in the garden is made of Zoysia japonica, a grass that withstands both scorching summers and freezing winters.

2. Noun (Zoology):

Zoysia japonica is a species of grass used as a food source and habitat by certain insects, especially grasshoppers and crickets.

Sample Sentence:

The local cricket population relies heavily on Zoysia japonica for shelter and sustenance during the summer months.

3. Adjective:

The term Zoysia japonica can also function as an adjective to describe things or places related to the grass or its origin.

Sample Sentence:

The golf course features a Zoysia japonica fairway, offering golfers a lush and comfortable playing surface.

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