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"f" is the sixth letter of the English alphabet and is a consonant. It is widely used in various contexts, from forming words to representing musical notes.

Possible parts of speech:

1. Noun: "f" can be used as a noun to refer to the sixth letter of the alphabet.

2. Adjective: "f" can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to or starting with the letter "f."

3. Verb: "f" can be used as a verb in certain informal contexts to mean "to fail" or "to refuse."

Possible senses and usages:

1. Alphabet: As a noun, "f" is used to represent the sixth letter of the English alphabet. For example, "The word 'fruit' starts with the letter 'f'."

2. Music: In music notation, "f" is used as a symbol to represent the fourth note of the diatonic scale. For example, "The melody begins with an 'f' note."

3. Informal: As a verb, "f" can be used informally to mean "to fail" or "to refuse." For example, "I completely f'ed my driving test" or "He f'ed the invitation to the party."

Sample sentences:

1. Noun usage: "The word 'frog' has an 'f' as its second letter."

2. Adjective usage: "We had a fantastic time at the f-themed costume party."

3. Verb usage: "She f'ed the idea of going on a vacation this year."

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