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yellowish pink


Definitions from WordNet

Noun yellowish pink has 1 sense
  1. yellowish pink, apricot, peach, salmon pink - a shade of pink tinged with yellow
    --1 is a kind of pink

Definitions from the Web

Term: Yellowish Pink


Yellowish pink is a color that combines elements of both yellow and pink, resulting in a hue that is somewhat pale but with a warm undertone. It features a delicate balance between the softness of pink and the brightness of yellow.



- Her dress had a lovely yellowish pink shade, perfect for the spring wedding.

- The artist used a yellowish pink paint to create a warm ambiance in the room.


- The sunset had a beautiful yellowish pink tone, painting the sky with a serene glow.

- She decorated the nursery with accents of yellowish pink, giving it a cheerful and welcoming feel.

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