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Definitions from WordNet

Noun yama has 1 sense
  1. Yama - Hindu god of death and lord of the underworld
    --1 is a kind of
    Hindu deity

Definitions from the Web



Yama can refer to various terms depending on the context. It is a multifaceted term with different meanings in different cultures.

Parts of Speech

  • Noun: yama
  • Proper noun: Yama

Senses and Usages

Sense 1: Hindu Mythology (Noun)

In Hindu mythology, Yama is the god of death and the underworld. He is responsible for guiding souls to their afterlife destination.

Example Sentence: According to Hindu beliefs, Yama judges the actions of individuals after their death.

Related Products: Browse Yama Books on Hindu Mythology

Sense 2: Japanese Folklore (Proper Noun)

In Japanese folklore, Yama is a term used for a mountain or a mountain range.

Example Sentence: Mount Fuji is a famous yama in Japan.

Related Products: Explore Books About Yama Mountains

Sense 3: Sanskrit Word (Noun)

In Sanskrit, yama means "restraint" and refers to the moral and ethical principles in yoga philosophy.

Example Sentence: Practicing yama is essential for cultivating self-discipline and ethical living.

Related Products: Discover Yama Books on Yoga Philosophy

Sense 4: Local Usage (Noun)

In certain regions, "yama" is a colloquial term used to describe a well-known person or a local celebrity.

Example Sentence: Everyone in the town knows Mr. Johnson; he's a real yama around here.

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